
Friday, November 4, 2016

Link up is now working!

I am the worst at trying to be perfect. Do you struggle with the perfection gene too? Don't get me wrong. It's great to want to do the best I can do, but it can become an obstacle when I continue to critique myself to the point that I stop creating. At that point, perfection becomes a doorstop. I've tossed the doorstop into the garage where it can't mire me down. Won't you join me in kicking it out of your studio. 

I have one more embroidery order to finish today and then I will be back at our next adventure. I came up with a new idea that I think will be fun for you and me. It will be small and should go together quickly. My biggest issue is that I fight the BIG. My travelers have shown me that small is not just okay, it's wonderful. That is not to say that I will not occasionally go for a middle size, but my goal will be to stay small. Let's see how I do! LOL 

Link ups are ready for YOU! When you finish a souvenir and have posted on your blog about it, would you please add your link to it? At the top of my blog is a new tab called Travelers Souvenirs. Please add the actual page link on your blog that has the souvenir. This way visitors won't have to search for it on your blog.  

The longest they will allow me to be able to keep the link up open is 30 days. So each month, I will add a new Link up. The previous Link ups will remain so you can browse through them when you are in the mood for inspiration. I get a lot of inspiration from seeing your work so please share your finished souvenirs with us!

Okay, I better get these jackets done so I can get to the next souvenir. Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. I just need to start. . .gotta finish a few items to make room for a new start first!


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